Australian Cow: Origin, Breeding, And Diet

Australian cows are dairy cows, and they arrived in Australia in 1788. If we talk about Australian cows, there are seven famous breeds for milk production. Here we will discuss these breeds, their specifications, and their different features. All of these cows are famous for their milk production. This article will provide you with all about Australian cows, such as their milk production, unique characteristics, and prices. Seven Australian cows are:


Holstein is the most common cow in Australia. This cow is originally from North Europe. These cows are mainly black and white and are in large size. It is the most popular breed not just in Australia but all over the world.

According to research, 1.65 million dairy cows in Australia are Holstein, which is almost 70% of cows located in Australia. There are different factors that make Holstein cows a dominating breed in the Australian dairy industry such as:

  • Greater income.
  • Excellent milk production.
  • Unequaled genetic merit.
  • Adaptability to a wide range of environmental conditions.
  • Good-natured, easy-to-handle cows.
  • Resistant to stress and some other diseases.
  • Suitable for the crossbreed.

If we talk about milk production, Holstein cows produce more milk than any other breeds in the U.S. On average, Holstein cows produce 24000 to 28000 pounds of milk per lactation period.

According to the standard lactation period of 305 days, Holstein cows produce approximately 75 pounds of milk per day. Because of their high milk production, they have been considered the best dairy breeds globally.


The Jersey cow is also one of the Australian cows from the Jersey British Islands over 200 years ago. Jersey is primarily light brown and also can be almost grey to dull black in some regions.

The identification of an authentic jersey is its black nose bordered by a white snout. It is one of the small-medium size cattle breeds in Australia. Jersey cattle are in black and, as they are a dairy breed, have relatively bigger udders.

  • The Jersey cow is also one of the most famous and profitable breeds in the dairy business.
  • Jersey produces more pounds of milk at lower feed costs than the other breeds.
  • They are also resistant to different diseases.
  • Almost no calving problems.
  • They have earlier maturity.
  • Greater fertility rate.
  • They also have a shorter calving interval.
  • A healthy choice for eating.

If we talk about its milk production, jerseys can produce 6 gallons of 5% butterfat milk. They are also high-producing cattle.

Brown Swiss:

Also known as American Swiss, originating from the United States. Brown Swiss is used for dairy production and cross-breedings.

As the name shows, the identification of Brown Swiss is light brown, with a creamy white muzzle, a dark nose, and dark blue eyes.

  • Brown Swiss is easy to handle.
  • Good hooves and limbs.
  • Long life span.
  • Strong and easily adaptable.
  • Famous in the Cheese production market.
  • Have double utility, as used for both milk and meat output.

The brown Swiss milk is pretty good for dairy product production, such as the fat-to-protein ratio Brown Swiss milk is ideal for cheese production. They are also one of the most famous breeds globally for cheese making.

Over 22000 to 26000 gallons of milk are produced by the Swiss in one lactation.


As the name shows, Ayrshire Cows are from Ayrshire in South West Scotland.

Identification of Ayrshire includes typically red color, which can change to dark brown and orange shade. The coat of Ayrshire has red and white marks. This breed is known for its characters. The workers confirmed that this breed is smart and a little aggressive in some cases.

  • They are easy-calving and longevity breeds.
  • Ayrshire milk is one of the best drinking milk.
  • The cattle have excellent functional types.
  • Economic and Profitable Milk production.
  • Healthy and strong body functioning.
  • Friendly and easy to handle.

If we talk about its standard lactation period of 305 days, Aryshire produces 75 to 78 pounds of milk. And they produce almost 9 gallons of milk per day.


Aussie Red:

This is one of the crossbreeds from Australia, a combination of Scandinavian Red Genetic Lines with other Australian Cattle such as Ayrshire and Illawarra.

Identification: They are medium-sized cows and are red with white marks. Aussie red is a highly hardy breed known for milk production with high protein and medium milk-fat contents.

  • They have high health, high fertility, and survival rate.
  • They have also set a track record for high solid production.
  • Genetically diverse.
  • Limited feed maximum milk production.
  • High milk consumption with high volume.
  • Easy for claving.
  • Resistance to different diseases.

Aussie cows can produce 3 to 5 kgs of milk per day. And their milk has a higher protein ratio than the other cows’ milk.


As the name shows, Guernsey is a cattle breed from the Islands of Guernsey.

Identification:  Guernsey is formally red and white, and the cows are hardy and docile. The cow is medium to large, and usually has horns. The purpose of this breed is for high milk production from grass.

  • Guernsey is known for its temperament.
  • The cow is pretty kind, gentle, and easy to handle.
  • Produces high butter-fat milk.
  • Also, produce high protein-content milk.
  • Guernsey milk also contains beta-carotene.
  • Consume 20 to 30% less feed than other breeds.
  • Suitable for eating purposes.
  • They produce golden-creamy-colored milk.

Guernsey cows produce almost 15 to 25 kgs of milk per day, and the fat content of Guernsey milk is usually high.


Also known as Illawarra Shorthorn cattle, it is an Australian breed used for dairy production.

Identification: Illawarra is dark red with a few white marks on the roan or flank.

Illawarra cows are medium to large in size.

  • Illawarra cows are used for dual purposes, such as milk and meat.
  • The cow is very docile and known for its longevity.
  • Illawarra is an excellent milker and produces the maximum quantity of milk.
  • Milk contains a high portion of protein and butter fat.
  • Known for its long production life.
  • Require minimum feed.

They are known for their high milk production rate.

Illawarra cows can produce almost 40 liters of milk per day, and they can produce 1000 liters of milk per lactation, which is uncommon.

Australian Hybrid Breeds:

There are different Australian crossbreeds in the world; here, we will discuss the famous ones.

Australian Friesian Sahiwal:

The Australian cow, also known as Friesian Sahiwal, is an Australian breed of dairy farm; the Queensland Government developed it in the 1960s.

The Australian breed combines two different breeds, the Sahiwal breed (a dairy breed of Bos Indicus)  from Pakistan, and the second one was Holstein (Bos Taurus) breed. This breed was specially designed for the tropical regions of Australia.

Read More: Sahiwal Cow: It’s Origin and Significance

Australian Charbray:

This is also one Australian Cattle breed from a cross between The French Charolais and American Brahman Cattle. The weight of male Australian Chrbray is up to 10000 kgs and female is 800 kgs. And if we talk about height, the male is 165 cm, and the female is 160 cm.

This breed is mainly used for meat production. The meat of Australian Charbray is famous in Australia, and it is more tasty, beefy, and has a delicious flavor.

Diet Of Australian Cow:

Australian cows usually feed grass, either dried or fresh. They also eat small amounts of minerals and grains to maintain nutritional values. They also require fresh water throughout the day.

Australian Cattle Scope In Pakistan:

If we talk about the price of Australian cows in Pakistan, then it varies from season to season and is also diverse in different areas. But on average the price range of Australian cattle started from 2000$ and up to almost 5000$.

There are different farms of Australian cattle in Pakistan. As Australian cattle produce a good amount of milk, they are suitable for the dairy farming business in Pakistan.

According to a dairy farm survey, the milk production rate of Australian cows in Pakistan dairy farming increases gradually. Over the past several years, the yield of Australian cows has doubled, from 2900 liters in 1980 to 6170 liters in 2019-2020. Just because of their high milk production, Australian dairy farms in Australia are the 3rd largest worldwide. Australian cattle also provide high-quality beef without any diseases.

Australian cattle are almost adjustable to every environment and condition, so they can easily survive in any region and are pretty well resistant to different diseases. As discussed, the Australian breeds consume a minimum quantity of feed than the other breeds, making them more profitable.


Australian cows are famous cattle breeds throughout the world. And are famous for their high milk production. These are seven different breeds of Australian cows; all are discussed in this article with their specific features, advantages, identifications, and milk production value.

Thus, all Australian cows’ breeds are suitable for dairy farming and produce a high protein and butter-fat milk. Thus, Australian cows are a great choice for the dairy farming business globally.

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