Symbol of Unity: Exploring the National Emblem of Pakistan

The national emblem of Pakistan represents the country’s identity and sovereignty. It features several elements that hold significance in Pakistani culture and history. The emblem of Pakistan was officially approved in 1954. The emblem consists of a shield surrounded by a wreath of wheat stalks and a crescent. Four feathers of Quaid-e-Azam’s (the founder of Pakistan’s) pen emerge from the top.

The shield itself is divided into four parts, each representing a different province of Pakistan. In the top left corner, a golden jasmine flower, Punjab’s provincial symbol. The top right section features a lion, symbol of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The bottom left section showcases a heraldic representation of the crescent and star, associated with Sindh. And finally, the bottom right section displays a combination of three vertical wavy bands representing water, which signifies Balochistan.

The wreath surrounding the shield consists of a wheat stalk on the right side and a cotton stalk on the left side. This represents a significant aspect of the country’s agricultural sector. The crescent, a traditional Islamic symbol, is placed on top of the wreath, symbolizing progress and growth. The four feathers emerging from the top of the emblem represent Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s guiding principles: Unity, Faith, Discipline, and Sacrifice.

Design of National Emblem of Pakistan

The national emblem of Pakistan is a powerful symbol representing the country. It was designed shortly after Pakistan gained independence in 1947. The emblem incorporates various elements that reflect the nation’s culture, history, and aspirations.

The centerpiece of the national emblem is a shield divided into four sections. Each section represents one of Pakistan’s four provinces: Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The sections converge at a point, symbolizing national unity.

Above the shield is a crescent and a star, which are traditional Islamic symbols. The crescent represents progress, while the five-pointed star represents light and knowledge. These symbols reflect Pakistan’s predominantly Muslim population and commitment to Islamic values.

On either side of the shield are supporters of the emblem. On the right we see a wild Markhor, a goat species found in Pakistan. The markhor represents the country’s diverse wildlife and natural beauty. On the left you can see an Asiatic lion, historically associated with the region and symbolizing strength and courage.

Below the shield is a scroll containing Pakistan’s national motto, written in Urdu. The motto, “Iman, Ittehad, Nazm” translates to “Faith, Unity, Discipline.” It encapsulates the guiding principles and aspirations of the Pakistani people.


Historical significance

Adoption of the emblem

The national emblem of Pakistan was officially adopted on July 16, 1954, during Iskander Mirza’s presidency. It was designed by Ameer-ud-Din Khidwai, an eminent Pakistani artist. The emblem replaced the British coat of arms, used during the colonial era.

Symbolic representation

The emblem symbolizes various aspects of Pakistani identity. It reflects the country’s Islamic heritage, cultural diversity, and national aspirations. The emblem depicts the core values that define Pakistan as a nation.

National Emblem of Pakistan Design and elements

The national emblem of Pakistan consists of several key elements that carry deep symbolic meanings.

Crescent and star

At the center of the emblem, there is a crescent and a five-pointed star. These symbols represent progress, peace, and light. The crescent is an iconic Islamic symbol, while the star signifies knowledge and guidance.

Shield and wreath

Surrounding the crescent and star is a shield and wreath. As a symbol of Pakistan’s defense and sovereignty, the shield represents Pakistan’s sovereignty. The four sections of the shield represent the four provinces of the country: Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan. The wreath consists of a wheat stalk and a cotton branch, symbolizing Pakistan’s agricultural resources.


Above the shield, Minar-e-Pakistan is depicted, a famous monument in Lahore. This iconic tower symbolizes the country’s struggle for independence and the historic Lahore Resolution of 1940.

Wheat and cotton

The wheat stalk and cotton branch in the wreath symbolize Pakistan’s agricultural abundance. Agriculture plays a vital role in the country’s economy and represents the hard work and prosperity of the country’s people.

National Emblem of Pakistan Symbolic Meanings

The national emblem holds multiple symbolic meanings that resonate with Pakistan’s people.

Islamic symbolism

The crescent and star symbolize Pakistan’s Islamic status. They represent the country’s adherence to Islamic principles and its commitment to promoting peace and unity among Muslims.

Cultural heritage

The emblem reflects Pakistan’s rich cultural heritage, deeply rooted in the traditions of the Indus Valley Civilization, the Mughal Empire, and various regional cultures. It serves as a reminder of Pakistani society’s diverse tapestry, where people of different ethnicities and backgrounds come together.

National aspirations

The national emblem also embodies Pakistan’s aspirations and ambitions. It signifies their desire for progress, unity, and a brighter future. The emblem reminds citizens of their collective responsibility to work towards nation development and prosperity.

Evolution of the emblem

Early designs

Before adopting the current national emblem, Pakistan experimented with different designs. One of the early proposals included a peacock, which symbolized beauty and grace. However, it was later decided that a design with more Islamic and nationalistic elements would be more representative of the country.

Changes over time

Over the years, minor modifications have been made to Pakistan’s national emblem. These changes focus on refining the design’s details and proportions while preserving its overall symbolism. The emblem has remained consistent to maintain recognizability and historical continuity.

Importance and recognition

Official usage

The national emblem is used extensively in official capacities, including government documents, passports, and identity cards. It serves as a government seal for the President, Prime Minister, and other high-ranking government officials. Its presence on official documents proves Pakistan’s legitimacy and authority.

International recognition

The national emblem is internationally recognized as a symbol of Pakistan. It is prominently displayed during state visits, international conferences, and sporting events. The emblem serves as a visual representation of the country’s identity and facilitates recognition and identification on the global stage.

National Emblem of Pakistan Controversies and debates

Alternative proposals

Over the years, there have been occasional debates and discussions about potential changes to the national emblem. Some proponents argue for additional elements to better represent Pakistan’s regions and cultures. However, any significant alteration to the emblem is sensitive, as it carries national symbolism.

Criticism and arguments

Critics of the national emblem argue that it does not adequately reflect Pakistani society’s true diversity. They suggest that a more inclusive and representative design could better embody the country’s multicultural fabric. However, supporters of the current emblem believe that it successfully captures Pakistan’s Islamic and national identity.


The national emblem of Pakistan stands as a powerful symbol of the country’s heritage, aspirations, and identity. Through its design elements, it represents Pakistan’s Islamic values, cultural diversity, and national pride. The emblem’s historical significance, recognition domestically and internationally, and its ability to inspire unity and patriotism make it a cherished governmental symbol.


Q1: What is the significance of the crescent and star in Pakistan’s national emblem?

The crescent and star are iconic symbols in Islamic culture, representing progress, peace, and guidance. In the national emblem, they signify Pakistan’s Islamic identity and commitment to unity and enlightenment.

Q2: How has the national emblem of Pakistan evolved over time?

The national emblem has undergone minor refinements to enhance its design without compromising its symbolism. These changes aim to maintain emblem recognizability and historical continuity.

Q3: What do the shield and wreath in the emblem represent?

The shield represents Pakistan’s defense and protection of its sovereignty, while the wreath symbolizes the country’s agricultural resources, particularly wheat and cotton.

The suggestion of Changings in Emblem 

About the author

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